
     One might ask the question: How do I build healthy Christ centered relationships that will help me grow in sanctity? St. John tells us that “If someone says, “I love God,” but hates his brother, he is a liar.” God has placed us on earth and has placed others in lives. One might be struggling relationally towards one’s spouse, parents, siblings, other family members or friends. God invites us to overcome these hurdles and to grow in love of neighbor. Life coaching with Jose will help you navigate and relate with all the various relationships that God has blessed us with. Christ lived among men and developed friendships with the Apostles and Disciples and we are called to grow to the full stature of The Son of God who dwells among men.
     Jose’s life coaching focus is on dealing with relationships. He uses the Holy Family as a model which is the perfect example of The Most Holy Trinity. God has called us in His Providence to become saints at this junction in time. No one goes to Heaven alone. The love of God impels us to love our neighbor and desire their welfare. Jose aims to help individuals refine their listening skills and learn how to communicate more effectively.
     Jose has enjoyed helping people find purpose and meaning in their life. He is an avid reader of philosophy, theology, and psychology. He is a practicing Catholic who desires to inflame the hearts and minds of all those he encounters with love of The Blessed Trinity. He has lived quite an interesting life having lived in three different countries and several states. He was a seminarian in a religious order for several years and desires to help others receive the human, pastoral, spiritual, and intellectual formation that he received.
     St. Aelred states, “No medicine is more valuable, none more efficacious, none better suited to the cure of all our temporal ills than a friend to whom we may turn for consolation in time of trouble, and with whom we may share our happiness in time of joy.” The gift of human life is a great gift from a benevolent God. God has created us to occupy Heaven alongside the angels and saints. The gift of friendship should inspire us to grow in love with God by seeing the goodness and beauty of those that He places in our lives.
     If you think that God is inviting you to grow in the various relationships that God has placed within your life, reach out to Jose. The goal of life coaching with Jose is to grow in our love for the God we do not see by loving our brothers and sisters who we do see. The greatest commandment is this, “To love the Lord, Thy God with all one’s heart, mind, soul, and strength. The second greatest is like unto it, “to love thy neighbor as thyself.”