Terms of Use
You agree in full to the Terms and Conditions (collectively, “Terms”), a legally binding agreement of Agnus Dei Coaching and Agnus Dei Life Coaches (collectively, “we” “us” or “our” upon use of our website, app, or any other media connected to us. We provide access to our website, coaches, content, products, goods, streaming services (collectively, “Agnus Dei Coaching Services”).

By use of our website and any Agnus Dei Coaching Services, you agree to be bound by these Terms, and any modifications of these Terms. We reserve the right to modify these Terms without notice. Please immediately discontinue use of our site and any Agnus Dei Coaching Services if you do not agree to these Terms or any future modifications to these Terms.

1. Client is responsible for creating and implementing his/her own physical, mental and emotional well-being, decisions, choices, actions and results. As such, the Client agrees that the Coach is not and will not be liable for any actions or inaction, or for any direct or indirect result of any services provided by the Coach. 2. Client understands coaching is not therapy and does not substitute for therapy if needed, and does not prevent, cure, or treat any mental disorder or medical disease. 3. Client understands that coaching is not to be used as a substitute for professional advice by legal, mental, medical or other qualified professionals and will seek independent professional guidance for such matters. If Client is currently under the care of a mental health professional, Coach may recommend that Client inform the mental health care provider. 4. Client agrees to communicate honestly, be open to feedback and assistance, and create the time and energy to participate fully in the program. SERVICES Coach will be available to Client by email and phone in between scheduled meetings as defined by the Coach. SCHEDULE AND FEES Client agrees to pay Agnus Dei Coaching for audio and video call appointments. This coaching fee is non-refundable. Following the conclusion of the appointment, Client may choose to continue or discontinue coaching services.

Agnus Dei Coaching’s Intellectual Property
Any materials, content, logos, designs, images, audio and video clips, photographs, text, files, names, service marks and trade names, and any intellectual property rights contained therein (hereinafter “Content”) constitute sole and exclusive property of Agnus Dei Coaching. We grant you a personal, limited, revocable, non-sub-licensable, non-exclusive, non-assignable and non-transferable license to access the Content for your personal and non-commercial, informational use only. You are prohibited from: reverse-engineering, disassembling, decompiling, or otherwise modifying the Content; distribution, transmission, use, post, modification, reproduction, display, broadcast, sale, copy, creation of derivative works, publication, republication, public performance, circulation, transfer of any Agnus Dei Coaching Services or Content, including without limitation third party distribution or display via Web site or application; copying modified or unmodified Agnus Dei Coaching Services or Content, in whole or in part; uploading viruses or otherwise modifying, without limitation, Agnus Dei Coaching Services or Content.

You agree to assume all risk by use of Agnus Dei Coaching Services and Content. You agree that all Agnus Dei Coaching Service and Content are provided “as is” and “as available”, including inaccuracies, and we do not guarantee performance, nutritional, health, or any other results by use of Agnus Dei Coaching Services. You acknowledge that we do not guarantee or warrant that Agnus Dei Coaching Services and Content, including third party content available through Agnus Dei Coaching Services, will be uninterrupted, error-free, secure, reliable, available, suitable, accurate, or will meet your fitness or any other requirements or expectations. You will not hold Agnus Dei Coaching liable for any loss or damage, including but not limited to data and computer loss or damage.

Fitness and Nutrition
You agree and acknowledge that use of Agnus Dei Coaching Services or Content may result in physical, bodily, or personal injury, including death, in addition to loss of privacy, damage to property, loss of consortium, loss of services. You agree that you are responsible for and assume all these risks, and release and hold harmless Agnus Dei Coaching from any legal action, costs, liability, claims, suits, losses, causes of action or expenses in any way associated with your use of, or engagement with, Agnus Dei Coaching Services or Content. Your use of Agnus Dei Coaching Services or Content does not create a doctor-patient relationship between you and Agnus Dei Coaching. Agnus Dei Coaching Services or Content does not constitute medical advice, treatment, or diagnosis, and is meant only for information purposes.

Limitation of Liability
In no event or circumstance will Agnus Dei Coaching, its employees, or anyone else involved in producing Agnus Dei Coaching Services or Content be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, lost profit, punitive, information, privacy, or other damages to anyone due to use of Agnus Dei Coaching Services or Content, inability to use Agnus Dei Coaching Services or Content, or errors, delay of service, internet malfunctions, or any other legal theory or form of action.

You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Agnus Dei Coaching, its employees, directors, officers, affiliates, agents, and third parties from and against any, loss, liability, claim, action, suit, or damages (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) from any violation of these Terms, improper use of Agnus Dei Coaching Services, violation of applicable laws or rights of a third party.

You agree not to transfer, sell, share, transfer or otherwise permit third party access to your account. You must immediately notify Agnus Dei Coaching if you suspect your account has been accessed by a third party. All information you supply in your account must be correct, and you must notify Agnus Dei Coaching of changes to your personal information or Payment Method. Agnus Dei Coaching may at any time without notice terminate your account and modify or remove Content.

Subscription Charges
You agree to be charged a subscription fee monthly to your inputted Payment Method. Unless the subscription is cancelled before the monthly renewal date, you will be charged through your inputted Payment Method for the following month’s fees and your subscription will continue. Agnus Dei Coaching reserves the right to vary subscription fees for its products, and you will be informed of such changes. Upon such changes, you may cancel your account within 3 days. Unless you cancel your account within 3 days of the changes, you will continue to accept the change in fees. You agree to notify Agnus Dei Coaching of any change to your Payment Method. Unless you notify Agnus Dei Coaching of such change, your Payment Method details will be assumed correct and charged for your subscription and related fees. You agree to pay legal fees on a full indemnity basis and all other costs Agnus Dei Coaching incurs in collecting unpaid subscription charges or fees. You will be charged subscription fees regardless of whether or not you use your account or your subscription. From time to time we run promotional offers, in these cases If a subscription is not cancelled at the end of all promotional trail, discount, or other offer, subscriptions will become full-priced, and you will be charged accordingly to your Payment Method until your subscription is cancelled.

All purchases for digital downloads made on AgnusDeiCoaching.com are non-refundable or exchangeable. Since the products made available here are intangible, we cannot accept any request for refunds. In the case where a purchase error is made please contact us via nico@agnusdeicoaching.com to discuss a resolution.

By placing an order with AgnusDeiCoaching.com, you warrant that you are at least 18 years old (or have parents’ permission to buy from us) and accept these terms & conditions which shall apply to all orders placed or to be placed at AgnusDeiCoaching.com for the sale and supply of any products. None of these terms & conditions affect your statutory rights.

Return Policy
As all of our products are digital they are deemed “used” after login, download or opening. This unfortunately means we have a strictly no refund policy in regard to dissatisfaction with product. Please contact nico@agnusdeicoaching.com to see how we can remedy any problems you may have with this.

Governing Law & Jurisdiction.
This contract shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California should any dispute arise between the Client and Agnus Dei Coaching. Any civil complaint must be filed only and exclusively in the County of Los Angeles, State of California.

Severability. If any portion of this contract shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and enforceable. If a court finds that any provision of this contract is invalid or unenforceable, but that by limiting such provision, it would become valid and enforceable, then such provision shall be deemed to be written, construed, and enforced as so limited.

Agnus Dei Coaching’s Services
You acknowledge that you may be required to pay sales tax, duty and/or custom charges, shipping charges.

Liability and Indemnity. Liability for injury, disability, and death of users and other persons caused by following any part of Agnus Dei Coaching including the workouts, exercises, eating guide, equipment or any other item purchased through our website or store or our partners’ and affiliates is the obligation and responsibility of the user or member, and the user of member shall indemnify and hold AgnusDeiCoaching.com, Agnus Dei Coaching, and all Agnus Dei Coaching Coaches harmless from and against all such liability.

Always consult a qualified medical professional before beginning any nutritional program or exercise program. The exercise suggestions are not intended to substitute for proper medical advice. Agnus Dei Coaching assumes no responsibility for injuries suffered while practicing any exercise program. If you have any chronic or recurring conditions such as high blood pressure, neck or back pain, arthritis, heart disease etc., please seek your physician’s advice before starting any new exercise program.


Privacy Policy
Upon use of Agnus Dei Coaching Services, Agnus Dei Coaching may collect and use your personal information to process and fulfill, operate, notify you about changes to, notify you about additions to, and request surveys to improve Agnus Dei Coaching Services and Content.

Agnus Dei Coaching does not sell customer lists to third parties. Agnus Dei Coaching may share your information with business partners, affiliates, and vendors to help manage information, and this information may be used to: protect the security of, to help us improve the user experience of, and analyze data to promote Agnus Dei Coaching Services and Content.

Agnus Dei Coaching may disclose your information without notice to comply with legal processes and actions, and to protect the personal safety of users or the public.

Automatically Received Information
Agnus Dei Coaching may automatically receive information about your computer and use of Agnus Dei Coaching Services. For example, Agnus Dei Coaching may use cookies to collect information upon access of our website. This includes but is not limited to your IP address, access times, browser type, version and time zone setting, operating system and platform, and referring website addresses. This information is used to enhance Agnus Dei Coaching Services and Content, provide statistics, analyze data, comply with legal processes and requirements.

Information Security
Agnus Dei Coaching takes measures to protect the security of your information to prevent unauthorized access, misuse, and loss of your information. However, no security system is perfect, and our security measures cannot guarantee the security of your information.

Modification of This Privacy Policy
Changes of this Privacy Policy by Agnus Dei Coaching are effective when published to our website, and can be made at any time. Your use of Agnus Dei Coaching Services constitutes acceptance to these changes with regard to your past, current, and future information we have obtained through your use of Agnus Dei Coaching Services. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy or any future modification to this Privacy Policy, please discontinue use of Agnus Dei Coaching Services immediately.

Billing Policy
Use of Agnus Dei Coaching Services constitutes agreement with our billing policy.

Life coaching appointments are booked in one hour blocks. Your payment method will be charged before booking a session.

Unused portions of a Agnus Dei Coaching Coaching Sessions will be forfeited if you purchase an Agnus Dei Coaching session. Also, unused portions of a paid session will be forfeited upon cancellation of your session.